The purpose of my piece is to point out and intensify the insecurities of a generation. In particular, those of us who are less equipped to combat the rise in unemployment that has resulted from a global economic collapse. I am trying to point to the lack of change that has resulted in the way a system that is spiraling out of control functions. I understand that this piece may create some disdain toward me, as I am the author and the subject is a bit abrasive. I accept this as part of what I wanted to create; which was to encourage an active pursuit to deflect potential defeat, rather than a submissive acceptance of failure. I attempt to create a sense of fear, anger, and discontent that is coupled with a logical assessment of reality. I hope that this piece resonates with you enough on an emotional level to give you the inspiration to consider your life, place in the world, and future success from an alternative perspective. I am not simply trying to get a rise out of you by attacking the one definitive thing I know about most of you, your major.
I took my argument and made every attempt I could to make it more specific. My first submission had a lot of ambiguity and left a lot of things open to interpretation. This revision is more focused on exactly what I wanted to argue, as well as more specific in terms of how to interpret what I say. I also tried to reduce interpretation in terms of what I am saying regarding liberal arts education. I also worked out several mechanical/grammatical errors and issues of word choice.
Written Pathetic Appeal
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